Internet speed test from command line

Created: 2022-04-07

The speed test tool provided by Ookla Speedtest platform is a "definitive way to test the speed and performance of your internet connection" with over 16k global servers.

The only requirement is Python. At the moment of writing this note, both Python 2 and Python 3 are supported.

The OS I chose to do this under is Ubuntu 21, but it should work under any Debian derived distribution.


There are 2 options to install the speedtest-cli tool. One from the Python Package Index and another from GitHub repository.

  1. Install the latest release from Python Package Index
sudo pip install speedtest-cli
  1. Install the latest version from GitHub
wget -O speedtest-cli
chmod +x speedtest-cli

Copy the executable under a path available in the environment variable $PATH, so the speedtest-cli can be executed without writing its whole path

sudo mv speedtest-cli /usr/local/bin/speedtest-cli

Note: the GitHub version will always be greater that the one from, as it's under active development.


  1. Simple test
speedtest-cli --bytes --secure

Sample output:

Retrieving configuration...
Testing from Proton AG (
Retrieving server list...
Selecting best server based on ping...
Hosted by HEIG-VD (Yverdon-Les-Bains) [543.81 km]: 1200022.766 ms
Testing download speed................................................................................
Download: 8.77 Mbyte/s
Testing upload speed......................................................................................................
Upload: 4.21 Mbyte/s
  1. Test the download speed only
speedtest-cli --bytes --no-upload --secure
  1. Test the upload speed only
speedtest-cli --bytes --no-download --secure
  1. Test via a specific server

List servers sorted by distance

speedtest-cli --list --secure

Sample output:

Retrieving configuration...
32777) HHnet (Tabor, Czech Republic) [385.94 km]
17015) JM-Net z.s. (Jesenice, Czech Republic) [429.08 km]
 4162) ISP Alliance a.s. (Prague, Czech Republic) [442.33 km]
34087) ČMIS (Prague, Czech Republic) [442.33 km]
36701) ÚVT internet s.r.o. (Prague, Czech Republic) [442.33 km]
17717) cloudinfrastack, s.r.o. (Prague, Czech Republic) [442.33 km]
30620) O2 Czech Republic, a.s. (Prague, Czech Republic) [442.33 km]
48278) Cloudflare (Prague, Czech Republic) [442.33 km]
 6288) ITBUSINESS s.r.o. (Turnov, Czech Republic) [443.79 km]
17301) AmigoNet s.r.o. (Ústí nad Labem, Czech Republic) [503.06 km]

Perform a speed test via a specific server from the list

speedtest-cli --bytes --secure --server 32777
